Cities and Villages: Maale-Efrayim


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Женщина, Febr. 4, 1966,
city of residence - Eilat
citizenship - Israel


С 10.2018 - настоящее время.
Частная резиденция иерусалимский округ домработница и метапелет с проживанием, а так же повар, садовник, специалист по водной терапии Ватсу.

Key Skills

My duties as a housekeeper:
Cleaning house every day
Cooking healthy food
Washing dishes and cloth
Cleaning the yard, porches, roof and solar panels
Grocery shopping
Cleaning the pool area.

My duties as a care giver:
Watsu water therapy and massage 3-5 times a week for 1,5-2 hours in the pool
Walking with the old lady outside of the house in the nature
Therapeutic exercise and movements
Escorting old lady to her doctor appointments,
Giving old lady shower
Doing for old lady pedicure

About Me

My skills and abilities
1. Good cook of healthy meals
2. Watsu water therapist second level
3. Medical massage
4. Driver with 40 years of experience outside of Israel in USA, Belize, Puerto Rico, Mexico and 2 years in Israel.
5. 10 years of Travel agent experience in Central America and Caribbeans
6. Good level of computer user
7. Organic gardening
8. Professional floral designer 
9. Basic pedicure skills.

Высшее education


Knowledge of languages

native - Русский
foreign - English fluent

PC Skills

Пользовательский средний

Driving Experience

Driving license category Категория А

7500 ₪


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